Dee | Adult | she/her.I draw things but have been posting more on tumblr. I also ran the F-Zero Facts Wiki, and wrote an F-Zero Master Doc. The doc isn't a wiki replacement, and is less refined than the wiki. My interest in F-Zero dwindled so I admittedly have been paying less attention to it.

Art is in my twitter pinned thread. Scroll up if you want older stuff. Most of the art actually stays in my media because it's just doodles. I stopped making moments after 2021.I post art under the "eleckles art" tag on my tumblr blog, and I post art on my tumblr art blog.

Some of my interests

  • OCs

  • Self-shipping because why the hell not

  • Metalocalypse

  • Valve content (Half Life, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress 2)

  • Star Trek

  • Venture Bros

  • Mega Man (Classic and X)

  • Nintendo content (F-Zero, Super Smash Bros, Animal Crossing)

  • PlatinumGames content (Bayonetta, MadWorld, Anarchy Reigns)

  • Resident Evil

  • Madness Combat

You may see other interests that I haven't listed here.